Head of the clinic
- Prof. Svetlozar Haralanov, M.D., Ph.D. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. +359 2/9702 251
- Graduated:
- School of Medicine, University of Sofia - 1996
- Medical licensure:
- 1981 - M.D. Degree
- Board certified:
- Psychiatry - 1984
- Training:
- Washington (USA) - 1992, Wurzburg (Germany) - 1993, 1997, Bad Kissingen (Germany) - 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004
- Ph.D. Degree: 1987, Thesis:
- „Methods and devices for provoking and investigating hallucinatory experience: Implications and perspectives“
- Professional qualifications:
- Board certified psychiatrist, experience in clinical practice, schizophrenia and other psychoses, mood and anxiety disorders, psychopharmacology, biological psychiatry, neurosensology, movement and gait disorders, equilibriometry, event-related brain potentials, craniocorpography, speech audiometry, projective methods, neurophysiology, neuropsychology, clinical psychology, clinical psychophysiology.
- Current position:
- Deputy Director of the University Hospital of Neurology and Psychiatry, Head of the First Psychiatric clinic, Head of the Laboratory of Clinical Neurophysiology and Psychophysiology.
- Professional experience:
- National consultant on Psychiatry and Vice-President of the Council of Mental Health (Ministry of Health), Consultant and Expert on Psychiatry (National health insurance fund), Editor-in-chief of the psychiatric section of the national specialized journal „Bulgarian Neurological and Psychiatric Practice“ and the Bulgarian-Austrian specialized journal „Neurology and Psychiatry“, member of the Editorial board of the International Tinnitus Journal (New York, USA), Head of the National Commission for board certification in psychiatry.
- Professional affiliations:
- Member of the Bulgarian Medical Association, the Bulgarian Society of Biological Psychiatry, the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry, the International Neurootological and Equilibriometric Society, President of the „Hans Selye“ Stress and Adaptation Society.
- Scientific affiliations:
- Mainly in the field endogenous and organic psychoses, mood and anxiety disorders, addictions, neurophysiology, psychophysiology, clinical psychology
- more than 250 scientific publications
- 3 monographs, 5 Handbooks of Neurology, 1 Handbook of Psychiatry
- 7 inventions, 1 current international patent
- Awards:
- National award for medicine „Invention-Application-World Standard“ (1986), National award „Young inventor of Bulgaria“ (1987), National award „Honorary inventor“ (1988)
- Language:
- English fluent, French fluent, Russian fluent
Senior nurse
- Yulika Burova This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. +359 2/9702 257
- Образование:
- Висше медицинско 1978 г., ГМУ Москва 1984-1987 г.
- Придобита специалност:
- медицинска сестра 1978 г.
- Следдипломни специализации:
- курс реанимация, курс множествена склероза
- Професионална квалификация и опит:
- психиатрична сестра
- Заемана длъжност:
- старша медицинска сестра в Първа Психиатрична клиника
- Членство:
- Български лекарски съюз, Дружество по позитивна психотерапия в България.
- Чужди езици:
- руски, немски
Prof. Svetlozar Haralanov, M.D., Ph.D.
Curriculum Vitae
Yulika Burova
Curriculum Vitae
За превод!
The clinic is specialized generaly in the treatment of acute psychoses, affective disorders, psychotic exacerbations and psychosocial break in schizophrenic disorders, delusional disorders; crises whose treatment requires temporary isolation; acute stress and PTSD; abnormal illness behavior (somatic and hypochondriac patients); patients with Ego-dystonic sexual dysfunction; patients with personality disorders (not antisocial); abstinence syndromes in dependencies (with appropriate exclusion criteria); comorbidity between alcohol dependence and other psychiatric disorders.
In addition to active treatment the clinic launched activity of resocialization and prophylaxis against recurrence ensuring continuity in their continuance with referral to other hospitals and outpatient clinics.
Along with the direct medical activity priority is the diagnostic clarification of complicated cases, and the specification of maintenance therapy in outpatient treatment (assessment of effectiveness and assessment of side effects).
Expert labor services are also offered for patients with psychiatric disorders that require invalidization. The usage of unique equipment (cranio-corpo-graphy) and implementation of original methodology, approved and patented as inventions in the most developed countries of the world contribute for the effectiveness of diagnostic and therapeutic activity.
The clinic has a total of 30 beds in two wards.
- Образование:
- Тракийски Университет - Стара Загора, Медициински факултет
- Медицинска степен:
- магистър по медицина - 2010 година
- Заемана длъжност:
- Лекар-специализант по психиатрия при УСБАЛНП „Св. Наум“
- Членство в научни и професионални организации:
- Българско дружество по психиатрия, Български лекарски съюз
- Чужди езици:
- Английски, Сръбски, Руски
Senior assistant, psychologist
- Rumen Anatoliev Dimitrov, MD, PhD This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. +359 2/9702 255
- Образование:
- Висше - магистър „Клинична и консултативна психология“ - СУ „Климент Охридски“ - 2015 г.
Докторант „Клинична психология“ - СУ „Климент Охридски“ - 2017 г. - Следдипломни специализации:
- Консултант по Когнитивно-поведенческа терапия
- Заемана длъжност:
- Психолог към Първа психиатрична клиника при МБАЛНП „Св. Наум“, Асистент към Катедра по психиатрия и медицинска психология в Медицински университет
- Сертификати:
- MMPI-2, MMPI-A, Rorschach Inkblot Test, TAT, Benton Visual Retention Test, WISC-IV
- Публикации:
- 5 научни статии
- Научни интереси:
- Основно в областта на психодиагностиката, психотерапията, психологията на личността, психопатологията.
- Чужди езици:
- Английски, немски
Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
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Daytime stationary
Rumen Anatoliev Dimitrov, MD, PhD
Curriculum Vitae
За превод!
Dr. Georgi Slaveykov - +359 2/9702 252
Dr. Krasimira Marcheva - 02/9702 252
Nurses: +359 2/ 9702 258