Assoc. prof. Irena Velcheva, MD, PhD

Assoc. prof. Irena Velcheva, MD, PhD assoc-prof-irena-velcheva-md-phd
Medical academy, Sofia - 1973
Medical licensure:
1973 - M.D. Degree
Board certified:
in neurology- 1979
autonomic nervous system, neurosonology, hemorheology, health management
Ph.D. Degree: 1979 Thesis:
"Impaired hypothalamic function in rheumatic diseases"
Professional qualifications:
Board certified neurologist, experience in clinical practice, autonomic nervous system disorders, cerebrovascular diseases, hemorheology, functional neurosonology, headache, epilepsy, peripheral nervous system disorders
Current position:
Head of Neurological department for paroxysmal disorders, MHATNP "St.Naum"
Professional experience:
Specializations in Hungary and Germany
Professional affiliations:
Member of the: Bulgarian Society of Neurology, Union of Scientists in Bulgaria, Bulgarian Society of Biorheology, Bulgarian Association of Neurosonology and Cerebral Hemodynamics, European Society of Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, International Danube Association for Neurology and Psychiatry, European Academy of Neurology, World Federation of Neurology, Union of European Medical Societies, Foundation Bulgarian Medical Union, Foundation Stroke Prevention
Scientific affiliations:
Mainly in the field of autonomic nervous system disorders, cerebrovascular diseases, hemorheology, functional neurosonology, headache, epilepsy, peripheral nervous system disorders
  • 176 scientific publications
  • 20 chapters in monographs, 12 chapters in Handbooks of Neurology
"Bulgarian physician" 2004; "For contribution to the development of medicine" 2006;" For contribution to IMAB" 2010; " For contribution to the Red Cross activities" 2010; "For contribution to the development of the University Hospital "St.Naum" 2012.
English fluent, German good

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